Quite often the TV or the tablet are referred to as the modern, free of cost, but not free of adverse consequences babysitter as they give a breathing space for parents to do their work or let's be honest - just chill and relax a bit! Even if the positive effects of technology outweigh the negative effects, too much screen time and interaction with digital devices are not healthy both for our kids and for us as adults as well. Technology is not a bad thing, provided it's used wisely by kids as per parents' guidance.
We as parents, can't punish our children for getting excited about the digital babysitter that we had introduced them to, but it's high time that we start looking for alternatives before it's too late to remove the technology-driven devices from a kid's life!
We mustn't forget that children learn by what they see rather than what they hear! So, we shall be the first to “sacrifice” some of our screen time and use that time to bond more with the kids.
Some of the ways of teaching our kids that life doesn't come to a standstill without technology are:
Fixed hours of electronic usage at home: You can come up with a time slot for using gadgets at home and that includes the parents as well
Create a gadget-free zone at home: Make it clear to kids that there are few gadget-free zones like the dining room or study room that can never be used for electronics
Get your techno knowledge up: Kids easily understand if you speak their language so it's good to keep your technological knowledge updated so that you can understand the dangers associated with it, only then you can help your child better.
Encourage outdoor activities: Educate children on the variety of outdoor activities that kids their age were engaged in before the invention of electronic gadgets. Give them a peek into the past and make it an enjoyable experience for them as well as for you - hiking, playing board games, cycling, and as such.
Even after these, some parents might still be wondering how to keep in touch with their children without giving them a mobile. There are many safe electronics that have hit today's market such as basic phones without internet facility in them & smartwatches that actually let kids keep in touch with approved contacts and also come with GPS tracking.
All that you have to realize is that it's time to replace digital babysitters with real activities and interactions!
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